Generalized information entropy
Akaike information criteria
Akaike s information criterion AIC
Accounting information Information system engineering supervision Necessity Supervision implementation
Bayesian information criterion
Schwarz Information Criterion
Accounting Information Disclosure Mandatory Accounting Information Disclosure Voluntary Accounting Information Disclosure Corporate Governance External Governance Circumstances
Accounting information regulation Market failure Asymmetry information Accounting rent-seeking Regulation
information management and information system
mode cut-off criterion based on potential energy criterion
2D generalized stochastic Ginzburg-Landau equation
a class of generalized Sikkema-Bezier type operato
a Covering Generalized Rough Set
A generalized Clark formula
A generalized coordinating rectangle element
a generalized Lienard equation
a generalized Lipschitz mappings
a generalized prey-predator system
a generalized Stein estimator
A system of generalized nonlinear mixed quasi-variational inclusions